Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rep. Paul Broun is a LIAR !!!

It is that simple. Rep. Broun has no clue about world history. Who ever told him that it was ok to say the President Roosevelt borrowed social ideas from Russia is a moron and should be fired.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The New Minority

As the number of White adult Americans declines, the growth in the minority communities continue to grow.

Census: America Quickly Moving Toward White-Minority Nation

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The New DNC Chair is Congresswoman Schultz

Schultz Picked

It seems like the leader of Democratic National Committee will be Florida's Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are We a Nation of Morons or Amnesiacs?

If you have not been living under a bus all day long, then you know that 18% of Americans think President Obama is Muslim, well at least according to The Pew Research Center poll.

So loosely translated this means one in every five Americans believes the President is Muslim. Which makes us wonder then, why would the GOP spend money in 2008 on ads to link him to Reverend Wright?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Poll: Reid closing gap in Senate race (LVRJ)

A Rasmussen has Angle at 46% and Reid at 43% while both unfavorables continue to rise Reid 48% and Angle 38%.

This seems to be a closer race that pundits predicted at the beginning of the year.

Ouch: Administration bills BP $99.7 million more

CNN is reporting the administration has sent BP another bill for $99.7 million.

It is still not enough for the amount damage that this spill has cause. The communities around the spill will be feeling the effects for generations.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NRA Hit List

The National Rifle Association came with it's legislative hit list to protect gun owner rights.

According to NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, the NRA will focus on defeating the following:

1. Requiring people to apply for a federal license before possessing a handgun, rifle, or shotgun that can accept a detachable magazine like a Glock or some deer rifles.

2. Gun owners would be forced to register, be fingerprinted and photographed, and take a written test on gun safety, storage, gun laws and other subjects the attorney general deems "appropriate."

3. Gun owners would have to give the attorney general access to their mental health records.

4. Failing to notify the attorney general of a change of address could result in a $250,000 fine and a five-year prison term. That's one the elements of H.R. 45 before the House.

Click Here for the full article.

Jindal signs Guns in Church bill

"Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed into law one of the more controversial bills from the recent legislative session, one allowing guns to be carried into houses of worship."

Click here for more.

Top 10 U.S. Senate Races that Turned Ugly (Washington Post)

1. North Carolina 1984: Jesse Helms (R) vs Jim Hunt (D)

2. North Carolina 1990: Jesse Helms (R) vs Harvey Gantt (D)

3. Virginia 1994: Oliver North (R) vs Chuck Robb (D)

4. California 1994: Michael Huffington (R) vs Dianne Feinstein (D)

5. New York 1998: Alfonse D'Amato (R) vs Chuck Schumer (D)

6. Nevada 1998: Harry Reid (D) vs John Ensign (R)

7. Missouri 2000: John Ashcroft (R) vs Mel Carnahan (D)

8. Georgia 2002: Saxby Chambliss (R) vs Max Cleland (D)

9. Virginia 2006: Jim Webb (D) vs George Allen (R)

10. Minnesota 2008: Norm Coleman (R) vs Dean Barkley (I) vs Al Franken (D)

For the full article, click here.